YWAM Grand Forks is in its pioneering stage so there are many opportunities for starting new ministries in unique ways. Larry and Elsie Dannhauer began YWAM Grand Forks in obedience to the word of the Lord in 2015. Their personal YWAM adventure began in 1986 when they ventured out to their DTS in Kona, Hawaii. With God’s leading and guidance, they were able to pioneer and lead three other YWAM locations: India, Russia (website has unfortunately been taken down) and Latvia.

After 25 years on the mission field they returned to Canada to prepare for retirement, but God had a different plan! They pastored a church for 4 years and then in 2014, God began to tug on their hearts and spoke to them about pioneering another YWAM location. Their commission from the Lord was to "give birth" to this YWAM ministry in Grand Forks, to train young people to influence every sphere of society with the Gospel of the Kingdom, and to aid them to run with this ministry! Their desire and prayer is still to pass on the torch to the younger generation and to assist and give council when it is asked for!

YWAM Grand Forks is a multicultural, multi-generational, and international training center dedicated to both serve Jesus locally and throughout the world. Ministries into the community consist of: seminars, home groups, friendship evangelism, the homeless, the elderly, church, youth, children, and last but not least, the ministry of helps. The last three DTS outreaches ministered in various places in Mexico, Cuba, Colombia and Costa Rica - but the sky’s the limit and the needs and opportunities are many!